BOOK REVIEW- ‘The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read – and Your Children Will be Glad You Did’ by Philippa Perry

Hello everyone. I’m writing after ages on my blog. In Between I’ve been doing some writing on other sites. However, this blog of mine is my baby which I cannot keep my hands off for long, no matter how busy I am. To revive this yet again, I’m back with a book review.

Of late, with a child to nurture and other responsibilities at helm, I’ve not been able to do things which I used to love doing before. One thing I realised recently was that time and tide waits for none! If I don’t do what I want to and what I feel like, then what will I teach our child. This is when I decided to revisit my old hobbies and give them a new lease of life. I don’t want to get lost in the daily chaos so much so that I end up losing myself. This is one such attempt in getting back to doing what I love most- writing.

Reading and writing for me go hand in hand. In one such attempt to get back to reading I started off with this brilliant book – the book you wish your parents had read and your children will be glad you did by Philippa Perry. It’s a must read book for all parents and to be parents. The way she gives explanations to each and every act of ours, which we’ve unknowingly carried from our childhood, whatever the circumstance, is truly brilliant. She visits each and every walk of life, where for one reason or the other, our parents (mostly because their parents) did something which affected us the most either positively or negatively and the impact that has on us raising our kids. Believe me, she shows how unknowingly we do things robotically because we saw the same happening in our childhood. She brilliantly brings out the various reasons why we end up yelling at our kids. She puts it across in a very crisp way as to how the anger we express when our kids do something wrong is a result of some insecurity which we’ve nurtured within us since childhood.

She never says what our parents did was wrong.. whatever the circumstance and situation, we know they did the best for us. However, there are few things which are imbibed in us as a kid and that’s where this book is very helpful. It allows us to revisit our childhood and change what our parents did for us which according to us created a negative impact on us, so that we don’t commit the same slip (I wouldn’t call it a mistake, because whatever it is, is a result of what was done to them when they were small- and we know for a fact how much our parents have strived to give us the best life possible). She very brilliantly brings out the points of consideration for us.

You shouldn’t rush to read this book to become the perfect parent who raises a perfect child, because there is nothing like perfect. Imperfect is beautiful. You must read this book to change your style of parenting so that you understand your child’s psychology and in turn, support them in the best way possible so that they can thrive. You must read this book to minimise the negative impact you could knowingly or unknowingly have on your child which could hamper their mental health.

Read this book so that you can bring out the best version of yourself. Also, read this book to revisit your childhood and reconcile with whatever you’ve nurtured as a kid, which has, today, turned out to be certain insecurities in your life. In short, reconcile with your past so that your child doesn’t have to nurture it the same way you did.

I’m sure this is convincing enough to make you buy this book impulsively! Yes, you should buy this instead of borrowing it, as it is something which you should revisit time and again when you’re raising a child.

See you soon with another review. Till then, stay safe and read more 😊

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