Happy women’s day

Hi friends! Today is the right day to blog I guess. Which day can be better than women’s day to put across my thoughts! When I just randomly browsed through my Facebook and Instagram handles today, I saw there were at least a billion posts and wishes for women’s day, majority of which has come from women, but are women actually wishing each other? Yes, you might laugh at me for asking this question but that was the only thing that popped up in my head.

One thing I’ve learnt in life is women are women’s worst enemy.. yes I can repeat this statement a hundred times but that is the fact. We see that in all walks of life, be it office or our own homes. We always pretend as if we’re very open minded and what not, but in the end we’re just a bunch of judgemental people who are always judging and being critical of whatever the other person does especially another woman.

God has actually blessed us with a lot of super powers (yes I’m very sorry to tell but men are not as efficient as women, no matter how hands on the guy is). I’m not demeaning any human being for that matter. God has bestowed us with some special characteristics and instead of using it for the good of the society at large, we misuse it. Be it your mother, daughter, sister in law, sister or any relationship, you will never be able to understand what the other person is going through unless and until you step into their shoes. And also when you’ve been through the same phase as the other, that is when you’ve to be very considerate about the opposite person. However, we tend to forget everything after we’ve crossed our hurdles. When it comes to being considerate about the other person we end up saying – I’ve done the same thing without complaining so why should you.

There’s no hard and fast rule for being a woman and to take up all the diverse roles a woman imbibes. Be it a mother, daughter, wife, daughter in law, wife, etc, everyone is unique and every role is unique. So respect whatever the other person is doing. They may not follow your footsteps or ask you for help. That doesn’t mean that what they’re doing is wrong. It just means that they want a little bit of freedom to handle their role in the best of their ability and everyone’s interests, so do not judge anyone and don’t force your opinions on anyone for that matter.

Women are always judged no matter what they do. However, if it comes from a man it’s different because they’ve not been in your shoes but when it comes a fellow woman it’s just not acceptable (it’s not acceptable if it comes from a man as well but it can still be ignored because they don’t really understand as they’re not in your shoes).

If women want to work after finishing their education they’re judged, if they want to get married they’re judged, if they work after marriage they’re judged because they’re supposed to take care of the household and if they don’t work after marriage they’re judged because she’s just sitting at home and living on her husband’s money while he gets out and slogs, if a woman goes back to work after baby she’s judged because how can she leave the child behind and if she doesn’t join work she’s judged because she’s at home the entire day and enjoying but yet when the husband comes back tired from office she makes him do baby stuff because how dare she!!! The list is not illustrative, it’s exhaustive. No matter what you do dear lady at the end of the day you will be judged and the saddest thing is you will be judged by a fellow woman. So stop bothering about what’s happening around you and start living your life.

This women’s day instead of just sharing posts on various social media sites let’s just take one pledge to make a difference to the world by not judging other women because we don’t know what they’re going through. Let’s just lend a helping hand in support if we can and if not, let’s just wish the best for her and stay away from passing our judgemental comments. It does make a lot of difference even though we can’t see it work in front of us.

This is a small women’s day gesture from my side and I hope that all my female friends out there will join this pledge 😊

Thanks for reading my post.

Happy women’s day my fellow women out there!! You’re doing awesome and do t let anyone judge you or take away the glory from you. Be your own boss!!